Sunday, August 1, 2010

What Does Unhealthy Hair Look Like?

As a professional Hair Designer for more than 20 years, it is alarming to see the rate at which many black women are losing their hair and how many of them suffer from such unhealthy hair.  Ladies, it doesn't have to be that way.  Nowhere does it state that we must settle for hair breakage, dry and brittle hair, or even split ends.  It IS possible for black women to have beautiful, shiny, silky, thick and full hair just like what we see everyday on TV, in magazines, and even on box hair products.

Our hair is connected to our image, personality, emotions, and attitude.  It's what puts the finishing touch on your favorite outfit.  It's how we exude our inner confidence.  It's what makes people take a second look.  I say all that to say, "HAIR IS ATTITUDE!"  The time is now to take the state of our hair back.  I believe Healthy Hair and Design should co-exist.

My passion is helping women put their best face forward and to teaching them how to have and maintain beautiful hair without breakage, being dry or dull, loss of hair along the hairline, thinning out, etc.

Tell me what is on your mind and we can get started today!


Anonymous said...

This is a great idea! I can't wait to see what else you post on here.

Anonymous said...

I have fine hair that is natural. I work out 4 times a week and sweat more than normal. I notice that I have to continuously press my hair every other day just for it to look half way decent. I don't want to add hair or do braids right now. My hair feels sort of dry. I shampoo my hair once a week. My natural hair is also color treated. Is there anything that I can do to add moisture to my hair? Should I oil it every other day like how our mothers did back in the day when we were young? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Hair Anatomy said...

@Fine Hair, The first thing I would do is visit a professional salon and have a stylist recommend the right products for your natural locks. Natural hair revert back to it's natural state once it comes in contact with moisture. To maintain healthy hair use a moisturing conditioner under a steamer or hot hair dryer once a week to maintain the moisture level in the hair. This will enable your locks to stay hydrated and not become so dry. Use a color treated shampoo once every two weeks to keep the color virbrant. Using a professional shampoo and conditioner will allow you to shampoo as often as you would like. You will need to deep condition every week for about 15-20 min. Pressing your hair every other day will cause drying of the hair and will cause damage to the hair. Add a protein conditioner to your products because hair is 85% protein and your color is going to need this ingredient. Make sure this product is recommended to you by a professional because this can cause damage if you do not use the right type of protein.

Ms. Lavender said...

Great advice!
There is a product line that i just started using called Global Keratin with Juxine(which is protein). It is great for all textures . Its the answer to the frizz, dry brittle, weak hair. I have been using it on all my clients including myself and it has made my job, and my clients life easier.

Hair Anatomy said...

The product you are refering to has an ingredient which is call formaldehyde, there are a few different type of formaldehyde. This can be dangerous to your health. It is a preservative. Once on the hair and you flat iron the hair the smoke that goes up in the air is the fumes from the products and can harm the body. Individual who use this type of products get into their beding and constantly inhaling the fumes. The product is not FDA approve and so large amounts goes into the products. Although the hair looks and feel great there has been 1 death recorded in Canada and individuals should have proper ventilation and ware a mask. Researchers say this product should be taken off the market.

Thank you so much Carisa